Narciss Recurvus

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Narciss Recurvus. I sydengland cornwall finder du denne narciss vildtvoksende på skråninger langs vejene. 4 8 bloom start to end.

Narcissus Poeticus Recurvus Narcissus Rhizome Daffodils
Narcissus Poeticus Recurvus Narcissus Rhizome Daffodils from

Den får lätt bakåtstrukna vita kronblad som är relativt små jämfört med andra sorter. Family amaryllidaceae genus narcissus are bulbous herbaceous perennials with linear leaves and leafless stems bearing flowers which may be solitary or in umbels with 6 spreading perianth segments and a cup or trumpet shaped corona. The old fashioned pheasants eye or poet s narcissus is found in meadows in central europe.

Recurvus is a late flowering daffodil with white swept back petals that curve at the edges and surround a yellow flattened cup fringed with red.

Synonyms narcissus poeticus narcissus poeticus subsp. Pheasant s eye species daffodil bulbs. By definition division x covers all species daffodils and varieties. Doften är stark och oemotståndlig.
