Kalanchoe Hanging Basket. Kalanchoe marnieriana is a blue green succulent with thin round leaves that grow up tall vertical stems. Growing to 10 inches in diameter it is an ideal choice for hanging baskets.
This dwarf succulent shrub is an ideal choice for hanging baskets the whole plant has a coating of waxy white hair exhibits clusters of violet pink blooms with yellow anthers. Growing to 10 inches in diameter it is an ideal choice for hanging baskets. However easy going the kalanchoë is we imagine that you will have some questions.
You could also address any other questions you may have to your retailer.
They grow long thin needles that can be removed if desired. Send this bountiful kalanchoe garden basket as a wonderful way to express your good thoughts and wishes for someone special. Floral boutique landscape services. Like many other succulents for optimal growth the panda plant requires a good light shade balance a temperature between 60 f and 75 f 15 c and 23 c and a well draining succulent soil mix.